
Dear John,

I was sent to Washington, by you, to be your voice in Congress. The game players and power brokers in Washington want me, you, and the entire country, to fall in line with their power plays. I won’t do it.

Republicans have gained a slim majority in Congress, and now, more than ever before, we need strong leaders that have proven they will fight for the things that matter. GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wants to be the Speaker of the House of Representatives, but he’s done nothing in the last two years to earn my vote for that position.

He wants you to believe if he’s not elected to the position, Democrats will take hold of the power.

No Republican is voting for a Democrat for Speaker of the House. That's a manufactured scare tactic used by those trying to hang on to power. Yet, some Republicans are repeating Kevin McCarthy’s talking points.

Here’s a link to an interview with radio show host, John Fredericks where I discuss my position. Listen in and hear from me in my own words:

I won’t back down. I won’t be silent.

For God and Country,


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