Ground Game Texas

Here’s two crazy stats, team:

It’s true. Our campaign in San Marcos helped register lots of new voters, especially young voters, and mobilized them to pass progressive change and elect candidates who will fight for more. Thanks to you, we made a huge difference—that’s why we want to replicate this success across the state.

Ground Game Texas is hitting the ground running with new campaigns in 2023. Can you chip in $25 to help us start off strong and recreate our success from places like Hays County?

>> DONATE <<

Team, from day one, Ground Game Texas has worked to put popular progressive policies on the ballot that will mobilize voters in critical races. 

In Hays County, there’s no doubt that our work helped Democrats win big. People showed up to vote for progressive change, and delivered for Democrats in the process.

That’s what Ground Game Texas has been about since day one: delivering change from the ground up. We want to replicate this success across Texas. And we think we can do that with your support. Can you chip in $25 to help us organize Texas behind progressive change? There are no off years in elections–this work must start NOW.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas