Hi John

350 Eastside Community Meeting - reminder


Date:  Wednesday, November 16th, 2022

Time: 7-8:30 pm

Online link:  Join Zoom Meeting

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 828 7707 3725

Passcode: 798154


Focus: Forests, Forestry, and Climate 

Western Washington’s forests store a substantial amount of carbon. It’s stored in trees, in shrubs and plants in the understory, and in the soil. With such great carbon storage potential, ensuring continued forest health and resiliency, through preservation and management, should be considered among the highest priorities in efforts to reduce the impacts of climate change.  We will be learning about the characteristics of a healthy forest and some of the policies that impact what happens to our forests in the future.  


Guest Speakers: Ben Hagedorn, Michael Ross – Snoqualmie Tribe, and Victoria Wingell  


Ben has a master’s degree in environmental studies, focused primarily on how climate change and variability influence spatial patterns of forest growth over time. He will explain some factors that contribute to forest health and how to recognize a healthy forest.


Michael Ross will be highlighting the cultural and traditional connection with forests and talking about how Indigenous People care for forests through management and stewardship. 


Victoria works as a Forests and Climate Campaigner for Oregon Wild. She will speak about policies that people can pursue and actions they can take to help forests sequester more carbon.  Victoria will be going into depth on the opportunities and obstacles faced by supporters, and what grassroots engagement can mean moving forward. 


Resource list:


  • Timber Wars by OPB
  • The Forest Overstory by WSU Extension Forestry 
    • Episode 4: Managing for Climate Resliency with Dr. David L. Peterson
    • Episode 8 parts 1&2: A Tale of Time and Tall trees with Dr. Jerry Franklin


  • A Critique of Silviculture: Managing for Complexity by Christian Messier, K. Dave Coates, and Klaus J. Puettmann
  • American Indians and National Forests by Theodore Catton
  • Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest by Robert T. Boyd
  • Empire of Timber: Labor Unions and the Pacific Northwest Forests by Erik Loomis


Web resources 



https://www.washington.edu/uwired/outreach/cspn/Website/Classroom Materials/Curriculum Packets/Evergreen State/Section II.html





Biden signs order to protect old growth forests from forest fires;https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/on-earth-day-biden-to-sign-order-to-protect-old-growth-forests-from-wildfire


Looking forward to learning together,

Emily, Lin Lynn, Marilyn, Phil, and Sara

350 Eastside