
It’s officially 2020 -- and unlike going to the gym every day or starting a new diet, I’ve got a resolution for you that doesn’t take much effort: help us declare independence from the unions that control the Sacramento politicians!

The Supreme Court recently ruled that the dues and fees that have been taken out of employees’ paycheck month after month are not legally enforceable. That means every time we get someone to opt out of their union dues, the unions that control Sacramento have less power!

Reform California is one of the leaders in the fight to return an average of $800 each year to workers across California who are held hostage by their union, all while making political moves and fighting against their own personal beliefs. And while it sounds too good to be true, we’ve already helped hundreds last year escape the grasp of their now-unenforceable union dues and made a serious dent in the unions’ power.

How can you help? Two easy ways:

1) Do you know someone in a union who wants out without quitting their job – or is that you? It’s a simple process, and we handle all the paperwork. Use the link below, or forward this email to your friends or colleagues. Word of mouth is the best way to help us succeed!

2) Contribute to the fight. Reform California is helping make this possible, but we can only take the power away from these unions which have an iron-clad grip on the Sacramento politicians with your help. If you’re not a member of a union but want to help the cause, can you make a contribution to help Reform California continue this project?

Remember, every time someone opts out, it’s $800 per year less that the unions have to control Sacramento – and that turns into an even larger number when you think about how many people are fed up. Start this year by opting out, forwarding this email to friends, and contributing to the cause!


Dave McCulloch
President, Reform California