Hi friend,

The count is finalizing and it's looking like it's not going to be in our favor.

I know that this is not the news we were hoping for, but I want you to know that we put up a heck of a fight. In this moment, it was important for me to reach out and let all you know how incredibly grateful I am for your steadfast support throughout this campaign.

To everyone who has shared their personal stories with me, welcomed me into their business, or donated a piece of their paycheck or their time to help us fight for change, thank you.

I'm so proud of this team and everything we've accomplished together this last year and a half. Here are some of the highlights from this campaign:
  • We knocked on 26,071 doors.
  • We made 11,438 phone calls and sent out 6,266 texts.
  • We had 118 volunteers join our campaign.
  • We held almost 100 events.
  • We sent out 250 emails.
We ran one of the strongest Democratic campaigns this district has seen in a while, and we got closer to flipping this district than many expected us to. We outperformed the predictions, and the polls – voters want to be given a real choice and that's what our campaign proved. We made a race that hadn't been competitive in decades, competitive.

And that didn't come out of nowhere: We visited every town in our district and advocated fiercely on the fight on reproductive rights, affordable healthcare for all, and support for our unions. That does not end here. We put up a good fight, and I will continue to fight for the people of WI-01. And while I may have lost, there is still much to celebrate, including helping Governor Evers over the finish line.

This is not the end of our work. If this loss has shown me anything, it's that putting in the work for our communities, workers, families, and children is always worth the effort, and I'm more determined than ever to keep up that work.

I urge you all to not let this moment be the end of your fight and political engagement. Instead, let it be the beginning. I know this isn't the outcome we were hoping for and the pain of this loss might sting for a little while, but never, ever doubt your power to create change.

Thank you for everything, truly.

– Ann Roe