This election day, vote for clean-water candidates
Today is election day — and the future of clean water in Florida may hang in the balance.

How will the leaders we elect today vote on clean-water issues? Will they stand up to special interests, or will “dirty money” influence their votes?

Will Florida’s future be one where our wetlands, rivers, bays and oceans are healthy and protected, or will our existing problems get worse?

We can’t tell the future. But our Voter Guides can give you a good idea where candidates stand on these crucial issues.

We surveyed candidates in 15 key Florida counties on some of the most important environmental issues in their region and posted their responses online. We checked campaign contribution records to see how much money they’re getting, and from whom. And using this criteria and more we’ve ranked the candidates, endorsing 11 office-seekers at the local and state level.

If clean water is important to you, check our guides before you vote. Because while clean water this year took a back seat to hot-button cultural issues like abortion and inflation, the truth about Florida is this: The next water crisis is always just around the corner.

And a vote for clean-water candidates is a vote to finally break that cycle — once and for all.