Hi folks — I’m in between campaign stops and wanted to quickly reach out.

First of all, I can’t thank you enough for your support over the last few years. Whether you pitched in to our campaign, put up yard signs, came to an event, or even just opened one of these emails, please know that your support has made an enormous difference for our campaign, and it’s put us in a strong position to come out on top tomorrow.

But as I’m sure you know, campaigns are won and lost in the final days of an election. That’s why our team isn’t taking our foot off the gas in the final 24 hours of this race — we’re working hard to get folks out to the polls and make sure they know what’s at stake in this election.

With just 24 hours to go, our team is leaving it all out on the field and I’m personally asking you to join us.

So folks, will you pitch in one last time to help us reach any undecided voters in the final hours of this election? The best link to use is right here: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/dkr-em-nov2022

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for everything. When we win tomorrow, it’ll be because of this incredible team.

— Deborah