John -- I really hope we’re celebrating tonight at midnight — not just a new year, but our campaign would like to celebrate reaching the goal for our final public campaign fundraising report. It is critical that we hit this goal.

Midnight is the cutoff and we’re still $9650 short.

Can you please contribute ANYTHING to help us hit the goal?

You’ve asked me to run an aggressive campaign — something you and I haven’t seen done by California Republicans in a long time.

But we ABSOLUTELY must hit this final public fundraising goal or we risk losing momentum just when we need it the most.

Please do whatever you can!


Carl DeMaio

PS: And BY EVERY MEASURE the campaign we’ve built is showing AMAZING results — leading in the polls, getting college students active, deploying thousands of volunteers, etc. This is the movement we need to take back California. Ask your friends can contribute as little as $5. Send them to this secure page.