Dear John,
I am proud to
endorse my colleague and Chair Pro Tempore of the DC Council, Ward 5
Councilmember Kenyan McDuffie, for one of the two At Large seats on
the DC Council. Since 2012, I’ve had the pleasure of working and
collaborating with Kenyan on a number of legislative achievements for
District residents that help make our neighborhoods safer, expand
affordable housing, and inspire community-centered economic

Kenyan and I have
worked side by side to create a more equitable and just society, not
only for Ward 5, but for every resident across all 8 Wards. As your
next At-Large Councilmember, Kenyan will continue to bring people
together, especially those directly impacted by our city’s critical
issues, to create meaningful change.
Whether you vote
early today or on Election Day, I hope you will cast one of your two
votes for At Large for Kenyan McDuffie.