Dear John,


As if the despicable attacks we've seen on LGBTQ Texans the past few legislative sessions wasn't enough, our opponent has spent her entire campaign spewing hateful talking points and fear-mongering on the backs of transgender kids, while promising to pass even more extreme legislative if she is elected.


We need your help to make sure our opponent's message of hate is never allowed to be amplified on the Texas House floor. Can we count on you?


Click here to donate today to make sure we win on Election Day.

This isn't an isolated incident, but a pattern of behavior and rhetoric that is part of a national movement to roll back rights for the LGBTQ community.


Whether it was accusing Round Rock ISD of lowering tables to accommodate furries, calling for stricter bathroom bills and prohibitions on participating in sports, or proposing a ban on gender affirming care, our opponent has made her position clear. And it has no place in our government.


Let's say no to hatetoday, at the ballot box on Tuesday, and in whatever form it comes.


- Team Bucy


Political advertising paid for by John Bucy Campaign, Hon. Heather Jefts, treasurer.


Our mailing address is:

John Bucy Campaign

P.O. Box 536, Austin, TX 78767