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Dear John,

Did you know that back in May during the primary, precincts that had Courtney Geels volunteers chatting with folks and handing out information experienced a significant increase in votes?

Volunteers at the polls can make a HUGE impact on vote results!

Can you volunteer some of your time on Tuesday, November 8th, Election Day?  

2 hours. 4 hours. All day? Volunteer whatever time you have! 


Volunteer with Courtney!
Vote reliability is so important, and *YOU* can work to ensure that the results are accurate! How? 

Join us for an online training on Monday, November 7th at 8pm to learn how you can corroborate election results to ensure that what the precincts report are the actual election results, utilizing a bi-partisan app that photographs the final numbers at the end of the night on Election Day. Let's work together to make sure the numbers reported by the precinct and the numbers our volunteers capture match!
Volunteer to Help Ensure Election Integrity
Paid for by Courtney Geels for Congress

Our mailing address is:

Courtney Geels for Congress
PO Box 995
Hillsborough, NC 27278

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