We just made a tough call, and I wanted to let you know myself.

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

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Hey John - Travis Brimm here, Cheri’s campaign manager.

Wanted to let you know that we just left a budget meeting, and I decided to go for it. After taking a look at the data and our fundraising, we think we have a clear opportunity to stay aggressive and invest just a little bit more into our turnout operation on the final weekend of early vote.

The final round of polls is still showing Cheri tied with Ted Budd, everything in this race is coming down to our “Get Out The Vote” operation. Early voting ends tomorrow, and the election is Tuesday, and we need your help to reach as many voters as we possibly can in the next four days.

Looking at our plan this morning, we saw an opportunity to expand our organizing operation in these final days — knock on more doors, distribute more literature, and get more Cheri voters to the polls.

Truthfully, the money isn't in our budget, but I gave the green light anyway. We’ve been running and fighting as hard as we can to win, and we’re not gonna stop now.

So please, if you can, make a $3 contribution today to flip North Carolina. We’re running out of time, and every dollar is being put to work immediately to get out the vote.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Look, this was a risky bet, but as Cheri says, we need to throw out the old playbook and run to win. So we’re not taking any chances.

Thanks for helping us leave it all on the field!

- Travis Brimm
Campaign Manager



Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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