
I just wanted to make sure you got my email yesterday. 

There are only 8 hours left to donate before our end-of-year fundraising deadline and we are $2,903 short of our goal. 

Join President Trump & I in fighting the far-left in the New Year by sending a donation of $10, $25, $50 or even $100. 

Our country cannot afford another two years of Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. 

Your donation will directly help Conservatives take back the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. 

God Bless, 

Alex X. Mooney 
Member of Congress (WV-02) 

Above is a photo of President Trump & myself. I need your help in stopping Liberal House Democrats attempts at a coup against our duly elected President. Help us reach our end-of-year goal by sending a donation.


Less than 48 hours. 

That is all we have left before our 2019 end-of-year fundraising Deadline. 

Help me continue fighting the Radical Left by sending an immediate donation.

With 2020 coming to a close, let’s take a second to review what happened this year… 

Democrats took control of the U.S. House of Representatives, making Nancy Pelosi Speaker & radical Maxine Waters Chairwoman of the Financial Services Committee, on which I serve. 

That's right - the same Maxine Waters who told her followers to take to the streets and harass Trump supporters. 

Even more radical were the House Democrats policy proposals - the Green New Deal, banning popular sport rifles, abolishing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); the list goes on and on. 


And, John, we both know what Democrats number one agenda item is - The Impeachment of our Duly Elected President Donald J. Trump. 


<Support President Trump & Alex>  

Through a series of closed door hearings, which closely resembled Soviet-style Kangaroo Courts, Democrats moved forward with this Impeachment Sham. 


When the hearings were finally opened to the public, Democrats could not present a single shred of evidence that implicated the President of any wrongdoing. 


Despite their lack of evidence, House Democrats voted to impeach President Trump. 


The mainstream media like the Washington Post attacked me for exposing the Do-Nothing Democrats Impeachment Sham by storming into their illegal secret hearings in the SKIF


John, I hate to say it, but we both know these frivolous attacks from the Radical Left & Fake News will only escalate in the New Year when both President Trump & I are up for re-election. 


That is why I am asking for your support, one last time this year. Your donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 ensures we have the resources to fight back & defend President Trump. 


We certainly can’t rely on the Fake News to be fair & honest. 


My card carrying Democrat Socialist opponent has already raised tens of thousands of dollars from West Coast & New York Liberals off this impeachment outrage. 


The outcome of my race very well could decide whether or not Nancy Pelosi & her far-left Liberal cronies remain in power. 


We have worked tirelessly to reach our end-of-year goal & are only $7,892 short. 


I’ve done the math & if Patriots like you send a donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 we will reach our goal. 


But the clock is ticking - we have less than 48 hours until our end-of-year fundraising deadline. 

Can I count on you to help me fight the Radical Left in the New Year? 


The Democrat Party has been hijacked by the far-left and our nation cannot afford for them to remain in power.  

For God, Liberty & Country, 

Alex X. Mooney 
Member of Congress (WV-02) 



P.S. We’ve seen what a disaster the House of Representatives has been with Nancy Pelosi & her radical cronies at the helm. We need to ensure that Conservatives take back the House in 2020. We are just $7,892 short of our end-of-year goal. Your donation of $10, $25, $50, $100 or even $250 will give us an advantage over the radical Democrats in 2020. 

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