
Early Voting ends today, and while this is the last day for Texans to cast a ballot before Election Day, it is just the start of a massive push for us through the weekend and running until 7pm Tuesday night.

The final days of election season are some of the most impactful, so we must ensure we’re finishing our 2022 campaign stronger than ever. Beth has a plan which will see our border, streets, and freedoms secure, but she needs your help to implement it!

As it stands, the Left has made it more dangerous to be a Texan than ever before. We’ve seen cartel criminals coming over in floods while Fentanyl shipments have only increased! Biden and his puppets have put more drugs and criminals on OUR streets.

We will be swarming teams of volunteers throughout North Texas to help encourage folks who did NOT VOTE early, to make their voices heard on Tuesday - but we can’t do it without your help!
Democrats have shown their hypocrisy time after time these past two years, and next Tuesday is our chance to FINALLY hold them accountable for all the suffering they’ve put us through!

John, today is when we need you helping to fund the last 72 hours of operation for our 2022 campaign. We need everyone voting RED all the way down their ballots and there are still tens of thousands of households yet to turn out. Can Beth count on your support in the few days we have left?
Thank you for your support, 
Team Van Duyne