Dear john,
As Co-Chair of the Congressional Voting Rights Caucus and the Congresswoman representing Atlanta, the Cradle of the Civil Rights Movement, I will always fight to make sure that every single eligible citizen is free and able to cast their ballot and have their voice heard in our democracy.
We need a national standard for voting rights, so that our level of access to the ballot box no longer depends on our ZIP code. Just like you can depend on your favorite fast food meal being the same in Atlanta or Philadelphia or Phoenix, you should be able to depend on your access to the ballot box just the same. 
I wanted to give you an update on the work I am doing in Congress to protect and expand voting rights in Georgia and around the country:
  • On Friday, November 4th, I will be a special guest at a voting rights mass meeting hosted by Let America Vote from 5:30PM-7PM at First Iconium Baptist Church (542 Moreland Ave, Atlanta, GA 30316).
  • I introduced four original bills in my first two years in Congress to make our elections work better for more people. 
  • My Voters on the Move Registration Act will help people stay registered to vote as they move homes. 
  • My Sustaining our Democracy Act will provide federal funds to help administer elections. 
  • My Youth Voting Rights Act will ensure young voters have every opportunity to have their voice heard. 
  • My Expanding the VOTE Act will break down modern day literacy tests that prevent citizens from participating in our democracy.
  • I worked with my colleagues to pass through the House the For the People Act, John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act to set national standards for access to the ballot and restore the full protections of the Voting Rights Act. 
When it comes to securing our fundamental voting rights, there aren't two sides to the issue. You are either on the side of our democracy or you aren’t. I will continue to fight for securing and expanding voting rights for all, no matter your ZIP code.
Yours For the People,
Congresswoman Nikema Williams
Georgia's Fifth District