I did not expect my daughters would grow up in a world where our ability to own our right to vote, own our uteruses, and own our freedom to love whomever we want would be in question.

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

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Hey John, it’s Shonda Rhimes.

I’m reaching out because I want to ask you myself to support Cheri Beasley’s campaign for U.S. Senate in North Carolina.

Here’s the thing: Across the nation, we are seeing frankly horrific attacks on our fundamental rights and freedoms. I was born after the civil rights movement, and I was a toddler during the women's movement. I did not expect my daughters would grow up in a world where our ability to own our right to vote, own our uteruses, and own our freedom to love whomever we want would be in question.

The need to get people involved in democracy, and voting continues to be more urgent than ever. Our best hope to protect democracy and stop the attacks on our rights by a right-wing Supreme Court and Republican politicians is to expand the Senate majority.

Electing Cheri Beasley in North Carolina is our best chance to guarantee that we secure the decisive vote we need for change.

So I am asking you personally to make a donation, $3 or any amount you can, to Cheri Beasley’s campaign. This is a critical moment for us to show up and have her back.

Washington is often messy and corrupt. No, it is not as messy as Olivia Pope’s Washington. But still, there is so much gridlock and so much power concentrated with special interests that not enough gets done to help people.

Cheri gets that, and she’s running for Senate to try to change that, to shift the balance of power away from corporate interests and back toward the people.

It’s beautiful to witness her grit and fearlessness in this race. I think that anyone who is willing to stand up and put themselves on the line for what they believe in that strongly is beautiful. Activism is beautiful.

And see, that’s the thing. This isn’t just about Cheri. Her campaign is about all of us – every single person who shares our values and comes together to power this movement. We each can do something today, right now, to make the world suck less.

So please, if you can, consider making a donation to Cheri Beasley’s campaign to flip North Carolina. Every dollar will be invested immediately to win this fight for a brighter future where every person has a chance to thrive.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

I can assure you that the stares, the pressure, the expectations on Cheri at the moment are enormous. So this is our chance to show everyone that there are thousands of people like you and me who are standing with her to win this race.

When Cheri launched her campaign, she said that we’d all have to work harder than we ever had to flip this seat. And she’s right. It’s hard work that makes things happen, it’s hard work that creates change.

Thank you for doing your part,

Shonda Rhimes

Photo of Shonda Rhimes



Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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