
A Grim View for the Future: Check out my recent video blog breaking down Planned Parenthood's outrageous plan to do abortions in RVs:


Under Planned Parenthood's dystopian vision for the future of abortion, abortion won't be "a matter between a woman and her doctor," because more and more often, there's no doctor involved!

The industry has gone all in on no-test abortions and now even wants over-the-counter abortions. The results can be catastrophic!

Spring Valley, New York, 40 Days for Life leader Eileen reported that a woman sued the Planned Parenthood facility where Eileen prays.

According to the suit, the abortion provider sold the woman abortion pills--without ever physically examining her to find out how far along she was. The abortion pill is FDA-approved up to 10 weeks...

...but after taking the pills, the young mother delivered a nearly full-term stillborn baby.


The mother reported that Planned Parenthood looked to dispose of her child's body and directed her not to call the police.

The traumatized woman is precisely why Eileen has led a 40 Days for Life campaign in Spring Valley since the first nationally coordinated effort 15 years ago!

"God sees the sacrifice, the fasting, the loving witness, the prayer power," she said. "Abortions...will stop at Planned Parenthood in Spring is only a matter of time."


Roldanillo Valle, Colombia

A young woman grieving the death of her little brother vowed never to have children...

...and then she found herself pregnant. Fortunately, the young mom's aunt learned about 40 Days for Life on social media and contacted the local campaign leader for help.

"The next day, volunteers met with the young woman to provide help and a gift for the baby," said 40 Days for Life director of Latin American campaigns Lourdes Varela. "When she opened the present, she began to cry and said 'yes' to life!"

She even promised the tiny outfit would be the first clothes her baby would wear!


Champaign, Illinois

Sandi was delighted when three students made a round-trip journey of more than two hours to join her vigil for a two-hour shift.

"Three young men active in the pro-life movement were interested in what 40 Days for Life was about," she said. "We were so grateful and felt we had made new friends and learned new ideas [about how] to be a presence of love and hope during a difficult time."

It sure sounds like these students would be great candidates for our 4040 college scholarship:


Windsor, Ontario

Jessica was pregnant with her fourth child--while battling stage four breast cancer. Doctors advised her to abort.

But she chose life. Today, she's free of cancer...and her son is a year and a half old! Both mom and baby are doing great.

Recently, Jessica joined a 40 Days for Life event in Windsor to share her powerful story!


I beseech you therefore brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.

--Romans 12:1

God Almighty, You alone are worthy of our praise and worship. Having accepted Your Son’s sacrifice on my behalf, I in turn present my body to You as a living sacrifice. I pray that You would use me as Your vessel to rescue others who are perishing.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316