Since this is such a busy day for me, I’m going to keep this nice and short.

Maura Healey for Governor

Hi there! 👋🏻

It’s Megan, Maura’s finance director.

This is not going to be a fundraising email with lots of flowery language, and we don’t believe in raising money by trying to make people feel guilty for not being able to donate. If you can’t chip in, that’s ok.

But if you’re someone who believes in this campaign, believes in Massachusetts, and you are able to donate a dollar or two, know this: We’ll put it to good use over the next week. We’ll get people to the polls, protect our state from extremism, and deliver for Massachusetts. 

We’re $3,250 short of our midnight fundraising deadline, so we only need 8% of the people reading this to donate a single dollar. That’s not a made up number, I’d show you the spreadsheet if I could.

Taking elections for granted is how we lose races like this. I believe in working until the final buzzer, and with your help, that’s exactly what we plan to do.

That’s it. We’re at the finish line. Let’s win this thing.

— Megan