Can we count on your support before October ends?

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

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Can you believe it, John? After all of this time and all of the work we’ve put in to elect Cheri, Election Day will be here in just 9 days.

Our final end-of-month fundraising deadline is rapidly approaching. We need to make sure that in these last few days of October we raise the funds we need to get out the vote and propel Cheri to victory on November 8th.

Will you make your first online contribution to Cheri Beasley ahead of our October fundraising deadline? It’s crunch time, and we need as many people as possible to contribute before our deadline.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

We have focused on meeting with folks in every single one of North Carolina’s 100 counties. That’s because Cheri is committed to running a campaign — and being the kind of senator — that gives every North Carolinian a voice, from the Appalachian Mountains to the Outer Banks, rural and urban alike.

In a race as close as ours that could come down to a very small handful of votes, every last door we knock and every last phone call we make matters. These efforts help us tell as many North Carolinians as possible about Cheri’s vision for a brighter future for our country and turn them out to vote.

But we can’t fund ambitious GOTV plans like these without your support.

So please, John, contribute $3 or any amount you can today ahead of our final end of month deadline of the campaign. Your contribution will go directly towards helping us get out the vote during early voting and on Election Day.

Thank you,

Team Beasley



Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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