We’re humbly asking that you put aside whatever you’re up to right now and step up to help us make a real difference in the lives of millions of Georgians.
Stacey Abrams for Governor


Tomorrow, Stacey will take the stage in her final debate against Brian Kemp.

But this last debate with Brian Kemp will also mark just 8 days until Election Day — the last opportunity for Georgians to vote and make history.

So, we’re asking before Stacey steps on stage, John: will you invest $25 — or even $5 — right now into this campaign? Every cent will go towards reaching voters who haven’t already been reached by this campaign and help make history for generations to come.


Stacey proved in her last debate with Brian Kemp that she isn’t afraid of answering the tough questions. Despite his constant attempts to attack her, and his lies and dirty tricks, Stacey has never stopped building One Georgia.

Stacey Abrams is the candidate Georgia deserves, John.

But as exceptional a leader as Stacey is, she can’t do this alone. She needs your help to travel to every corner of Georgia, spread her message and get out as many early votes as possible. Election Day is in just 9 days.

So, in these final hours before Stacey steps on the debate stage, we’re humbly asking that you put aside whatever you’re up to right now and step up now — to help us make a real difference in the lives of millions of Georgians. If you are able, can you chip in $5 to get Stacey’s message out to voters in every corner of Georgia? Chip in before she takes the stage tomorrow:


We couldn't do this without you, our grassroots team.

— Abrams HQ


Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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