Hi team,

Last week, Ann took on her opponent Bryan Steil in a debate – and won.

Ann showed that without a doubt, she is the leader we need in office to deliver for the people of Wisconsin — while Bryan spouted out his party's rhetoric of misinformation to confuse and scare voters. Here are just a few things that Bryan got wrong in the debate:
  1. He says he supports contraceptives, yet when put to a vote earlier this year, Bryan Steil voted against protections for contraceptives.
  2. He called contraceptives a "chemical abortion pill". This is completely false and shows how Bryan Steil's misinformation is dangerous and puts women's lives at risk. Many people need birth control to treat life-threatening conditions and contraceptives help to do this.
  3. He called student loan relief an "untargeted policy" for doctors and lawyers. This is false. The student loan relief is only eligible to those making less than $115k a year and cancels up to 20k in debt for those who need it. The loan does not help elitist lawyers like Bryan Steil, and perhaps that is why he is so against the loan relief for others.
  4. He said that parents are losing their rights in our education system, but Ann is the only parent in this race. When Ann's children were in public school she consulted with the school district and knows there are many avenues for parents to have input and involvement in their children's education.
  5. When speaking on 1st Amendment rights, Bryan claimed Governor Evers let Kenosha burn during the protests in 2020. The Republican Sheriff of Kenosha County has said this is false. Governor Evers authorized the support the Sheriff requested as soon as he asked.
  6. And yet, despite Steil's grandstanding about supporting law enforcement, when Ann brought up that he voted against the January 6th investigation and voted against support for Capitol police, he had no answers.
Bryan Steil flopped on all the key issues, from the right to choose, to supporting our working class, to protecting medicare and social security. He has had four years to make a difference in Congress, but has failed to deliver for WI-01. If we don't win in November, Bryan Steil will continue to put politics over real solutions that would help the people in our district.

There isn't much time left, but we can still make a real difference this Election Day. Chip in $5 today to give our campaign a much needed boost before the polls close. >>>

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We're so close,

– Shibani Chakrabarty
Campaign Manager