
Free Speech Alert: If you missed my critical video about how the United Kingdom is cracking down on pro-life speech--and New York is following--check it out at:


Every year, abortion ends more lives worldwide than all other causes of death combined.

That's not because we've lost the debate over abortion. It's because, for decades, we never had the opportunity to have a meaningful discussion about it.

But the overturning of Roe v. Wade means abortion can't hide in the shadows any more. It's front and center, which is great news for vulnerable unborn babies and their mothers.

When people learn about abortion--what it is, what it does, and how it hurts both women and children--they reject abortion.

Recently, the Waco, Texas, 40 Days for Life campaign invited me to speak on our book What to Say When: The Complete New Guide to Discussing Abortion to empower pro-lifers to make a compassionate and compelling case for life.


A large crowd from across Central Texas gathered to learn how to address tough questions about abortion, rape, incest, and other hard cases.

"Chatter on social media convinced me we needed to do [this] sooner rather than later," said Aine, the Waco campaign leader. "Everybody was so grateful and felt inspired and informed. And...everybody had a different takeaway."

We wrote What to Say When to equip pro-lifers to change hearts and minds--one at a time.

Here in the post-Roe world, it's working! Get your copy by visiting:


Portland, Oregon

The Portland team also invited 40 Days for Life campaign director Steve Karlen for a question-and-answer session on What to Say When.

While Portland is a notoriously abortion-friendly city, pro-lifers came to the event eager to put what they learned into action.

And they back up their talk with action. The Portland campaign volunteers have been incredibly successful. Recently, their prayers were answered when the notorious late-term abortion facility where they stood vigil moved out and was replaced by a much smaller facility.

"It's not easy to be pro-life in Oregon," Steve said. "But these folks are an inspiration to pro-lifers everywhere. If a 40 Days for Life campaign can succeed in Portland, it can succeed anywhere."


Salem, Oregon

From Portland, Steve drove south to the Beaver State's capital, where he spoke at a rally in front of Planned Parenthood.

Dozens of vigil participants showed up, including one pro-lifer who shared how her nephew's wife aborted their baby--without her devastated husband having a say in the fate of his child.

After the event, Steve visited a local radio station for an in-studio interview and then spoke at a dinner for Spanish-speaking pastors getting their churches involved in 40 Days for Life for the first time.


The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she bore her child he might devour it. She gave birth to a male child, one who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron, but her child was caught up to God and to his throne.

--Revelation 12:4-5

O God, from generation to generation, you have called your people to be the very aroma of life amidst a culture of death. Now it is our turn. Prepare me. Send me. Use me. I am eager to do my part. Stir your people everywhere to take up this great work.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316