
We need to talk about Kevin McCarthy's SuperPAC slush fund, also known as the Congressional Leadership Fund.

Back in 2010, the disastrous Citizens United Supreme Court decision gave corporations and their uber-rich CEOs the "right" to spend unlimited cash in elections. Since then, millionaires and billionaires have taken full advantage, flooding our elections with billions of dollars in dark money.

Now Kevin McCarthy and his extremist backers have set their sights on Oregon, as CLF dumps hundreds of thousands into ads attacking me and backing McCarthy's protege Alek Skarlatos.

With only 11 days till Election Day, 5 days till our critical end-of-month deadline, and $7,801 short of our our goal, I need all the help you can give to fight back against Alek's attempt to buy our district. Donate $3 now, and show Alek that Oregon isn't for sale.

John, I've spent my entire political career taking on special interests. In the legislature, I took on the NRA and the gun lobby to pass universal background checks. As Labor Commissioner, I took on big businesses cheating workers out of their hard earned wages. In Congress, I'll be a vote for campaign finance reform and worker protections like the PRO Act.

My record shows I'm a direct threat to Alek Skarlatos' MAGA backers, which is why they've gone all-in to buy this seat.

Alek Skarlatos is willing to say, do, or spend anything to win this election. That's why we're working overtime to put Alek Skarlatos in his place. Chip in today and help us kick Alek out of Oregon politics for good.


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