
I’m not a candidate paid for by elitist groups. I was born into a working-class family, raised by a single parent. I even used to be a member of the Democratic Party. However, everything changed when I realized how shallow and flawed democratic policies were. Their policies made me the victim, not the hero of my own story. Instead of empowering me to make my own decisions, they told me they would make them for me. 

The failures coming from Washington have made it difficult for America to thrive. Instead of finding meaningful solutions to our growing problems, bureaucrats like Ilhan Omar have responded by throwing more of your hard earned tax dollars into useless spending bills that have caused generational damage to our economy. 

Are you sick of paying so much at the pump? Are you tired of spending your savings just to put food on the table? Well, so am I. 

That is why I am running on a new platform. As your Representative, I promise to get back to the basics. I will put a STOP to failed leadership by supporting our police, cutting outrageous taxes, and depoliticizing our classrooms so we can focus on a quality education.

However, I can’t do this without your help. The Election is less than two weeks away, and I need your vote to restore prosperity to Minneapolis. Encourage your family and friends to vote Cicely Davis for Congressional District 5 on November 8th!

Best regards, 

- Cicely Davis


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Send an email with your address to [email protected] to reserve your yard sign. If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected] to learn about current volunteer opportunities. 


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