Alexis Martinez Johnson for Congress|

John, - this is former Navy SEAL Commander and Trump's Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke.

President Trump and I made America energy independent but now, Biden has ruined that and We The People are paying the price. 

As the key architect of American Energy Dominance, I can tell you, we need Alexis in Congress to help unleash USA energy to bring gas back down to $2!

Alexis Martinez Johnson is running for Congress in New Mexico in one of the most crucial swing districts in the country that also holds a large portion of America’s oil and gas fields. I am proud to team up with her on our quest to save our country from the Democrat Energy Dictators.

Her radical left opponent has been a rubber stamp on the failed Biden/Pelosi agenda that has led to skyrocketing energy costs and killed New Mexico jobs. 

Control of Congress could come down to this district and I am counting on you to support her.

Can you make a contribution of $25, $50, or even $100 today to help Alexis Martinez Johnson flip the House! >>>

Alexis Martinez Johnson will cut the price of gas, secure the border, open our energy fields and allow New Mexico businesses to thrive and create new jobs. 

She will be a stronger Conservative voice that we need in Congress.

Nancy Pelosi has made Alexis her top target as she desperately tries to hold onto power. We need your help today to retire Pelosi once and for all.

Thank you,

Ryan Zinke


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Alexis Martinez Johnson for Congress
PO BOx 9401
Santa Fe, NM 87504

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