Friends of Cavaleri for Congress,

This is it! Ballots are in your mail today. All our painstaking efforts have come down to this critical moment. I want to express my sincerest appreciation and admiration to all of you. Thanks to everyone for taking this journey with me as we battle autocracy in the 21st century.

These last two weeks are crucial. Keeping our foot on the gas is job number one. Our second commercial is now running simultaneously on all cable channels. You can check out our latest ad below:
Our YouTube ads are also running and will continue until November 7th. We will be airing on in-demand cable shows as of Sunday, October 23rd. Our hope is to get them on the big three networks during the morning and evening news cycles, but it’s expensive. My hope is that you will consider helping financially with this endeavor. This will enable us to have a footprint on every level of media, so please consider donating today!
Keep your eyes open for sign waving, literature dropping and phonebanking events. These will be added to our website calendar by the end of the weekend and will be updated regularly after that, so be sure to visit regularly. Our first phonebanking session will happen this Monday, from 5-8PM in Mill Creek. If you would like to join us please reply to this email to RSVP! To those that have, be on the lookout for an email tomorrow confirming the address.

These are crucial in the last days of a campaign, please check our site and sign up or email the campaign. If you would like to drop literature in your neighborhood, please email the campaign asap; and we will deliver the flyers to you. This is an incredibly important part of these next two weeks.
We are still attending speaking events and in-home gatherings. If you would like to host an in-home or in-office event, there is still time left. These are incredibly important and have been a huge part of our fundraising successes. Please email the campaign and we will get you on our calendar.
In closing, I can’t tell you how much your partnership has meant. From the canvasser to the sign waver, the donor, the fundraiser, the event host, and everyone else in between, you are an amazing bunch and it’s been my honor to work shoulder to shoulder with you as we look to repair the damage inflicted on America by the radical left.

Ronald Reagan said: “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny, that we will preserve this last best hope for man on earth, or we will sentence them to take the first step into a thousand years of darkness.” Ronald Reagan knew this day would come if we were not vigilant.

Let our kids speak well of us, knowing that we understood our role in protecting God’s gift to humanity, which is our United States.
(425) 477-9231
[email protected]
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Copyright © 2021 Cavaleri for Congress. All Rights Reserved.

13300 Bothell Everett Hwy
Ste 303 PMB 601
Mill Creek, WA 98012

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