
Radical Open Borders Democrats like Joe Biden and Mark Kelly brought a CRISIS to Arizona.

Cartels are HERE.

Human traffickers are HERE.

Drug smugglers are HERE.

Leftist policies have allowed this to take place on our soil. And the only way to fix it is by getting serious about Border Security and putting America FIRST!

But that’s the exact OPPOSITE of what Proposition 308 would accomplish in our state this year, John.

Instead, it would invite over millions MORE illegal immigrants with the promise of $$$ hand-outs by making it so that you don’t even need to be a U.S. citizen to receive in-state college tuition here in Arizona.

Cheaper tuition for illegal immigrants in the middle of a border INVASION of our state?! NO WAY!

All Arizonans must vote NO on Prop 308 this year! Help us spread the word!!
America is the greatest country in the world, John. When Biden and Kelly opened the floodgates to our Southern Border, no wonder millions of illegals flooded in.

But if the state of Arizona ends up foolishly throwing in cheaper college tuition for immigrants as a cherry on top, we are just resigning ourselves to more drug smuggling and border chaos here in the Grand Canyon State.

A “NO” Vote on 308 is a vote for putting America FIRST instead!

Help us share that urgent ballot information with voters ASAP. Early voting is underway as we speak, and we need to reach as many Arizonans as possible in these final weeks!
Thank you for helping spread the word,
Arizona Republicans