
Yesterday my opponent issued a press release attempting to refute my ad and instead leaned into all of the claims. In his own press release he stated that testing all of the rape kits "... would waste taxpayers' money and cause a backlog at the DNA lab." 

As a survivor of childhood sexual assault, I can tell you that the reason you test all of the kits is because sexual assaulters rarely strike once and testing all kits makes it so that law enforcement can identify patterns and gather new evidence to start new investigations. 

We need someone in the Lancaster County Attorney's office that understands survivors and takes these cases seriously. Too many survivors of assault have come to me since announcing my campaign and told me similar stories. 
Support our campaign today!
Thank you for all of your support, 


State Senator, District 46 
Candidate for Lancaster County Attorney 

Paid for by Adam Morfeld for Lancaster County Attorney
3637 Holdrege Street, Lincoln, NE 68503

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