The application should only take a couple of minutes.
Warren Democrats

I’m very happy to be able to send this email: The official application for student debt relief under President Biden’s new plan is now available!

Check it out and apply today if you qualify to have student debt canceled. Tens of millions of Americans will be able to get up to $20,000 of student loans wiped away.


The application is fast and easy. You don’t have to hunt down account numbers or upload zillions of documents — it should only take a couple of minutes to add some basic information about yourself.

And share the link far and wide — make sure everyone who needs it knows that the official application is now available:

Remember — this application, and this relief, wouldn’t exist if so many people hadn’t been so committed to the fight for student debt cancellation.

We take on these righteous fights because when we win, it touches people’s lives. And I’m going to stay in the fight to get relief to as many people as possible and put higher education within reach for every family.

Thanks for being a part of this,




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