.007%: That was the margin in Cheri’s race for Chief Justice — out of more than 5 million votes cast.

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

.007%: That was the margin in Cheri’s race for Chief Justice — out of more than 5 million votes cast. Just a handful of votes made all the difference. With every poll this month showing North Carolina statistically tied, this race (and whether or not we expand the majority) could come down to an incredibly small number of votes once again.

$580,000: Republicans are spending at least this much every single day just on ads across North Carolina. They are flooding our state with false dark money attack ads to try to buy this seat for Ted Budd.

$31: This is the average donation to our emails this month. This is the heart of how we fund our people-powered campaign and our best chance to flip this seat. But it takes a lot of $31 donations to compete with Republicans’ dark money.

But if we all do our part, then we can reach our goals and secure a historic victory in November. $31 at a time. That’s how we do this, and Cheri needs you to be a part of it, John:

Will you please add a $31 donation or any amount you can afford to contribute today? Every dollar is put to work immediately organizing and reaching voters from the Appalachian Mountains to the Outer Banks.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:

Thank you!

- Team Beasley


Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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