
Clark County Republican Party

[email protected]


Special Presenter:

Eileen Quiring
Clark County Council Chair

Eileen was an accomplished business owner and employer in the public and private sector. She is a Distinguished Alumnus of George Fox University. Recently, Eileen was elected as Vice Chair of the Clark County Republican Party.



This Christmas Season, Meet with 3 Spirited Republicans.

Republican Past

- Liz Pike represented the people of Camas for four years, and she represented the people to the State Legislature for over six years. She is the current Chair of the Clark County Republican Woman's group and she will be speaking about national politics.



Republican Present

- Glen Morgan is the man behind We The Governed, the Executive Director of the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights, and a nightmare for Democrats who haven't properly disclosed their campaign finances. Freedom foundations own prior grassroots director and property rights director Glen Morgan will present the ongoing corruption in local governments across the state as well as what we as grassroots activists can do to help WA State.

Republican Future

- Gary Medvigy is the Clark County Councilor of District 4, and one of only two people to vote against the recent tax increase. This retired Major General will be sharing his vision for the future of Clark County,WA.



Get your Tickets NOW !

The Clark County Republican Party cordially invites you to the Night Before New Year's Eve Party Monday, December 30, 2019


Out of town that day ? Consider donating to the CCRP
