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Hi John,

Yesterday Liz Truss sacrificed her chancellor to try and save her premiership – insisting her mission is unchanged. But that’s exactly the problem: the prime minister’s mission means distributing more wealth to the already rich and slashing regulations that protect people and the planet. If she succeeds, the consequences will be devastating in this country and around the world. But there is also hope. The extremism of Truss’s government, together with its incompetence, has shifted things. We can defeat this agenda.
Truss is the most ideologically-driven prime minister in recent decades. She believes that handing over more power to the market, to big corporations, is the solution to the global problems we face. She claims that more wealth for those at the top will ‘trickle down’ to the rest of us. Truss is the embodiment of the disaster capitalism we have long stood against. Even if her government falls in the coming days or weeks, we need to make sure that these ideas are wholly discredited in the process.

The prime minister hopes that her latest u-turns will allow the government to move on to her main mission of ‘trickle-down’ economic reforms – things like deregulating the banks, doubling down on fossil fuel exploration and signing Britain up to pro-corporate trade deals. Sadly, much of this agenda is popular in her party. But it’s deeply unpopular in the general public. That’s why I feel more hope than I have for many months that the end of these policies could be in sight. If we work together.

I know times are tough, but if you can spare £3 a month, joining Global Justice Now today can make a difference to our ability to take on Truss’s dangerous mission.
I'll resist the corporate agenda

Time to stop the fossil fuel giants

This year, fossil fuel corporations have handed sky-high profits over to their financial backers. Rather than tax these corporations, and force them to pay for the damage they’ve done, Truss’s government is handing more money and power over to them. Last week the government approved 100 new licences to drill for oil and gas in the North Sea, with the business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg saying he wants to squeeze out “every last drop”. 

These corporations bear huge responsibility for the climate emergency. The biggest five oil companies have historically emitted 39 times the carbon emissions of Pakistan. Yet countries in the global south like Pakistan are having to face devastating climate catastrophes – as we’re seeing now. It’s time big energy companies’ profits were used to pay for the enormous loss and damage they’ve caused. Join us today so we can campaign to make this happen.
I'll create change

Stop Truss giving more power to the banks

It’s not just the fossil fuel industry. The financial sector is still making a killing from the fossil fuel economy, as well as driving up the prices of food and energy through speculation. While the spiralling cost of living crisis threatens to push over a quarter of a billion more people into extreme poverty around the world, the banks are forcing countries to repay huge sums of debt – money which could support people.  

Some banks could make up to 250% profit from high-interest international loans. Along with our allies around the world, we’re standing up to these bullying banks, but we need people like you to stand with us. With your help we can change the law so banks can’t sue crisis-stricken countries for outstanding debt. 
Yes, I'll join
At a time when food and energy prices are rocketing around the world, our government is trying to push through a bill that would further deregulate the financial sector, allowing even more excessive speculation, pushing up prices, to generate bigger profits for the banks. Some of them, including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Citi have already seen their revenue balloon as a result of this kind of commodity trading. 

A coalition is building pressure on the government to stop this corporate agenda in its tracks. By becoming a member, you can help us mobilise more people to take action.

Let’s fight for policies that are fit for a world in 2022 

This is a huge agenda. And we have a lot stacked against us. But I also have hope. Thing are changing. By joining us, you can help us stop this government's disastrous plans.  

We have a real opportunity to build momentum for an alternative, for a world that isn’t built around corporate profits but one where people and the environment come first. Now is the time for people like us to fight for the change we want to see, while the politics of leaders like Truss are exposed for their failings.  

There are enough of us who care about the planet and people around the world. And if we stand together, we can make sure our government can’t ignore us. Join us. 
Join Global Justice Now
Many thanks

Nick Dearden
Director, Global Justice Now