John, the stakes have never been higher — and in 3 days we are going to show Brian Kemp our power.
Stacey Abrams for Governor

Please don’t delete this email.
Please don’t turn away.
Don't close your computer or swipe away on your phone.
Don’t give Brian Kemp — or anyone who wants to count out our campaign — the satisfaction.

John, we know that Brian Kemp is a dangerous extremist — and that he’s investing millions of dollars into attack ads to sink our momentum before early in-person voting begins in just 3 days.

Right now our team is racing across the state to spread our message and turn out voters in the first week of Early Vote.

John, with education, health care, housing, and a good living on the ballot this November, we really need your help in the final leg of this campaign. We’re so close to reaching our $155,000 daily goal. Can you make your $5 investment to help us elect Stacey Abrams before midnight?


The stakes have never been higher: Early Vote starts in just 3 days and we need a surge of donations to help mobilize voters to the polls before then. If we fall short of our $155,000 daily goal, we may not be able to reach each and every voter we need to inspire and empower to cast their ballots for Stacey Abrams.

We know this goal is ambitious — but with your support, John, we know we can get it done.

John, we hope we can count on you. Can you help show the strength of our campaign, mobilize voters and elect Stacey Yvonne Abrams? Please chip in $5 today.

Thank you for all you do,

Team Abrams



Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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