Georgia voters have just 4 days until the start of Early Vote.
Stacey Abrams for Governor

John, in just 4 days Georgia voters will be able to officially cast their in-person ballots.

Early Vote Countdown

That means we only have 4 short days to show the world the true strength of our campaign and mobilize voters in the last days of our race. But we can’t do this work alone.

We’re up against Brian Kemp — the architect of modern-day voter suppression. We have to hit our $155,000 daily goal to stay ahead of the system Brian Kemp is counting on to work in his favor. Before midnight, can you make sure we have the resources to elect Stacey by donating $5?


With less than 4 days until the polls open, every minute matters. Soon this campaign will shift into a whole new gear, and we have to be ready for that now.

Our $155,000 daily goal is precisely what we need to sustain our advertising efforts, train volunteers, protect against Republican attempts at voter suppression and more.

If we fall short, it will signal to Brian Kemp, national Republicans and everyone else that our momentum has faltered. The margins in this race are going to be razor thin, and we can’t afford to fall behind, even a little.

Can you make your first $5 donation to help us raise $155,000 today to elect Stacey Abrams? With your help, we’ll have the resources to mobilize voters and win this race.

Thanks for all you do,

Team Abrams


Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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