We are 5 days away from the start of Early Vote and I need you to know what's coming next.
Stacey Abrams for Governor


Early Vote starts in a few days and I’m counting on a wave of support to make sure we have the resources to reach out to voters. That’s why it is critical we hit our $155,000 daily goal by midnight. So please John, if you can, make your first $5 investment into my campaign for One Georgia today.


John, please understand what is at stake: I am running for governor because I am ready to lead Georgia to its next and greatest chapter — where Georgians have health care, housing, education and a good living.

On the other hand, Brian Kemp is a far-right extremist who is too dangerous for Georgia. His extreme, unpopular, and radical agenda threatens our state’s future and favors the wealthy few at the expense of hard-working families.

With less than five days before the first Georgians cast their votes at the ballot box, we know Kemp will spend “whatever it takes” to hold on to power now and through November. We’re up against the architect of modern-day voter suppression, and he’s already launched millions of dollars to air attack ads lying about my record.

I need your help to compete against his massive fundraising machine and reach out to voters in every corner of the state to set the record straight before early voting starts.

So I’m asking personally, John: will you chip in now to help us reach out to voters in the final days before early voting starts? Please, pitch in $25 — or even $5 — to power our work to get voters to the polls in the first week of early voting.


John, I am grateful for all your support and willingness to stick by us in this fight for One Georgia.

Now let's get it done, together.

Stacey Abrams


Abrams for Governor
931 Monroe Dr NE
Ste A102 #363
Atlanta, GA 30308
United States

Contributions to Abrams for Governor are not tax deductible.

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