
On Sunday I joined Esme Murphy on CBS News to share the truth about what Minnesotans want in the upcoming Election - change.

Ilhan Omar has abandoned our communities, and the people of the Fifth Congressional District have had ENOUGH. 

Under Ilhan Omar’s failed leadership, Minnesotans immediate needs are not being met. 

Our streets are unsafe, our energy bills are too high and gas is unaffordable. We are paying more, but getting less. A recent study showed that more than ⅓ of American families are not able to afford the basics - including food, rent, 

transportation, medical care and minimal household expenses despite working full time

This is unacceptable. The citizens of the Fifth Congressional District district deserve better leadership! 

The Election is less than a month away and we NEED your help! This is the final push to make a change and stop the madness coming from Washington. 

Minneapolis needs a fighter and a champion in Washington who will truly represent them. 

Vote for Cicely Davis for Congressional House District 5 because she will do whatever it takes to restore prosperity to Minneapolis and unify our state’s Fifth Congressional District!

Best regards, 

- Cicely Davis


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Send an email with your address to [email protected] to reserve your yard sign. If you are interested in volunteering please email [email protected] to learn about current volunteer opportunities. 


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