

Scotland is trying to ban 40 Days for Life.

Why? Was an abortionist attacked? An abortion facility bombed? Violence in the streets? Nope.

It's the bigotry of elitist leaders who despise their pro-life constituents.

According to Scotland's chief legal officer, silent, peaceful prayer may be "far more damaging to the young woman" than abuse. Meanwhile, the Scottish first minister wants to ban 40 Days for Life simply because she thinks "it is wrong."

Scotland's current impersonation of China and North Korea is spot-on.

Defending free speech in the U.K. is important for free speech in America, where the FBI continues to raid pro-life volunteers. On today's video blog, I break down Scotland's attempt to silence the voice of its own people:


To watch the video, click the image or visit:

If freedom of speech falls in the United Kingdom, it isn't safe anywhere.

But--even in spite of the FBI persecution of pro-lifers--you ARE safe when you pray at your local 40 Days for Life vigil. Take advantage and use your rights, or you'll lose your rights.


Scotland isn't the only place where the right to speak freely is being contested.



Germany isn't known as a pro-life stronghold, but several legal rulings have upheld the rights of pro-lifers to hold 40 Days for Life vigils.

In Frankfurt, an all-woman panel of judges struck down a buffer zone forcing prayer warriors away from the abortion business after holding a rare on-site trial at the vigil.

Meanwhile, in Pforzheim, a judge who had previously ruled AGAINST 40 Days for Life campaigns struck down a buffer zone, meaning that vigil participants are able to stand vigil near the local abortion business.



40 Days for Life has grown rapidly in Spain in recent the government is threatening participants with jail time!

Several campaign leaders in different cities have been reported to the police. In Vitoria, the vigil is now required to be 200 meters away from the abortion facility!

"The more they persecute us, the more we will embrace the cross," said the local leadership team.

At least two babies have been saved in Spain so far this autumn--in spite of the new law--and Alicante is hosting its first vigil ever!


Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial, for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

--James 1:12

Lord, grant us the grace to be instruments of conversion of hearts to remove the spiritual blindness in the world and recognise all children as a beautiful gift of your Most Holy Divine Providence.

May we be converted ourselves and persevere each day and draw closer to your Most Merciful Heart, so that we can touch others and show them your Infinite Goodness.

We know that you will bring a greater good out of this evil of abortion. Did you not bring the greatest good ever, the Resurrection, from the greatest evil ever perpetrated by man, crucifying you on the "Tree of Life"? Amen.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316