
Last week, the Fake News media tried to create a scandal where there was none (AGAIN) in a shameless attempt to divide our party…

They thought that by tracking D.C. campaign funds they had uncovered some big story (RIDICULOUS THEORY). But while we ARE talking about campaign funds… Here’s one thing that the Fake News hacks neglected to mention:

Thanks to amazing partners and relentless grassroots donors like YOU, the Republican Party of Arizona has become one of the strongest political movements in the entire nation. We are raising HUGE amounts of campaign funds to back our America First candidates thanks to supporters just like you – and we aren’t slowing down anytime soon!

Why is the grassroots backing OUR state party in such strong numbers?

Voters know that most of their donor dollars here don’t go toward lining the pockets of some slimy political consultants…

They go towards winning elections. 

And John, WHEN we win this next election – OFFICIALLY LESS THAN ONE MONTH FROM TODAY – it won’t be because of some tone-deaf and disconnected “consultant class.”

It will be because of grassroots patriots from all walks of life like YOU, John, who are helping shape a historic political transformation here in the great, free state of Arizona.

They are afraid of us. Because we are as strong as we have ever been. We are UNITED. We are going to WIN.

And when we do, we will Save Arizona and America.

Help us continue to overcome Fake News smears along the way by doing what you have all year – supporting the rising America First Movement that is triggering Leftists and Swamp hacks alike, and making WAVES here in the Grand Canyon State!

This is a movement for YOU, John.


-Dr. Kelli Ward, Chairwoman

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