Rebekah Warwick, Central Regional Coordinator for Heritage Action for America, will be speaking on "what's ahead" in 2023, looking forward to the U.S. Congress and Texas Legislative Session.


The Republican Party Of Navarro County will hold an Executive Committee Meeting on Monday October 10, 2022 at 6:30 pm at Republican Headquarters located at 111-B West Third Avenue in downtown Corsicana.

Our speaker is Rebekah Warwick, Central Regional Coordinator for Heritage Action for America, will cover "what's ahead" in 2023, looking forward to the U.S. Congress and Texas State Legislative Session.  She has been with Heritage Action for eight years, having been based in Colorado, Kansas, and now Texas. 

Heritage Action turns conservative ideas into reality on Capitol Hill by holding lawmakers accountable to their promises to advance conservative principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.  Heritage Action's unique strategy combines inside-the-Beltway lobbying with outside-the-Beltway grassroots pressure.  Through this strategy, Heritage Action works to bring about conservative policies that hold true to our Founding Fathers' ideals.  Heritage Action exists to ensure that these ideals are not only maintained but flourish - both now and for future generations.

As Central Regional Coordinator, Rebekah partners with 4,000 Heritage Action Sentinels and over 125,000 grassroots activists to hold lawmaker accountable and advocate for conservative policies.  She is an experienced public speaker and regularly hosts trainings with activists on how to influence policy debates at the federal and state level.  Her editorials have been published in the Dallas Morning news and the Fort Worth Star Telegram.

Please join us for a social from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm, saluting our elected officials.

All registered voters are welcome to attend. 

For more information, reference 

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