Timing is everything in politics, John

And right now, at the ONE-MONTH AWAY MARK from Election Day, our America First candidates like KARI LAKE, BLAKE MASTERS, MARK FINCHEM are SURGING. 

Republicans are leading in key races right now, even with all the SOROS $$$ and out-of-state organizations pouring in for Radical Democrats like Mark Kelly – the rubber stamp for the Woke Socialist agenda who votes in line with Chuck Schumer 96% of the time.

If we strike while the iron is hot and keep up our momentum, OUR Battleground State could be the key to taking back Congress, John! Arizona could be the place that stops the far-left, Open Borders, mandatory-electric-car, Defund the Police takeover of our nation!

Whether it’s the Hispanic voters who are showing that they will no longer be taken advantage of by the Democrat Party, the young conservatives who are keeping enthusiasm SKY-HIGH here in Arizona, or the everyday folks who are sick of high prices and high crime, support for Republicans is peaking at just the right time.

That’s why seizing the moment might just be what saves our country this year!

Thank You, and Always America First!

Pam Kirby
Executive Director
Republican Party of Arizona