

Planned Parenthood's core product is abortion...

...but America's abortion empire hides behind other services to pose as a legitimate health care provider, duping many who oppose abortion into patronizing the abortion chain for overpriced pregnancy tests or contraception.

When JC in Yuba City, California, offered a woman information on abortion alternatives, the woman responded that she wasn't there for an abortion and did not support abortion.

"I told her that was even more reason she did not want to give any of her money to the nation's largest abortion business," JC recalled. "She pulled into the parking lot. Then she turned around and pulled right back out."


The state of California isn't going to quit funding the abortion industry any time soon.

But JC and her prayer warriors in Yuba City are defunding Planned Parenthood one woman at a time with every client who rejects abortion--or any other service--in favor of pro-life alternatives!


Aurora, Colorado

Lisa was named the 40 Days for Life leader of the year in 2018 for her efforts leading vigils in Tempe and Glendale, Arizona.

She later moved to Colorado--but is back out on the sidewalk this fall, leading the Aurora 40 Days for Life campaign, just outside Denver.

Lisa's self-sacrificial leadership is rubbing off on her children, including her youngest daughter.

"When I invited her to join me in prayer, she said 'yes' without hesitation," Lisa said. "What a beautiful experience. ... She could have been anywhere on her off day, including hanging out with friends."

Many in Aurora are seeing a pro-life witness at Planned Parenthood for the first time. One man stopped to encourage Lisa and her daughter: "Even if you save just one baby, it’s worth it," the man exhorted them.

Well, it's officially worth it. Lisa engaged an abortion-bound woman in a conversation that ended with the mom saying, "I'm going to keep my baby."


Munich, Germany

Munich's 40 Days for Life campaign got off to a cold--and wet--start. But Silja, who leads the campaign, said the inclement weather only intensified the prayers of her volunteers.

Pro-lifers in Munich have an urgent reason to pray. The facility where they stand vigil is run by Germany's most notorious abortionist who ends the lives of more unborn children than any other abortionist in the country!

The Munich 40 Days for Life campaign is a highly international effort. "We Germans have to be very thankful to all the foreigners [who] live in Germany and support our campaign," she explained.

"40 Days for Life in Munich would not be possible without the huge support of the Croatian community and others like Maria Isabel [from Colombia]."

Still, Silja noted that German participation is increasing, with more young Germans joining the campaign.


The woman left her water jar and went into the town and said to the people, “Come see a man who told me everything I have done. Could he possibly be the Messiah?” They went out of the town and came to him.

—John 4:28-30

Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for meeting me where I was before I really knew You, and thank You for leading me to Your love and truth. Help me to be Your presence to all those I meet at “the well” at work, the grocery store, the mall, even at my church. May I reserve my judgment and instead be Your instrument of healing and peace, so that I may lead each person to You, who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

See today's full devotional

For life,


Shawn Carney
President/CEO, 40 Days for Life

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40 Days for Life 4112 E 29th St. Bryan, Texas 77802 United States (888) LIFE-316