Team Geels,
This comes from a dedicated volunteer who offered his suggestions. Please take a look and focus on handing out AT LEAST one Courtney Geels palm card. All of your county coordinators have plenty to give out. Please contact them! We also have Hispanic palm cards

Some scenarios:
  • with restaurant servers (leave a good tip!), 
  • with cashiers of all kinds in grocery stores or anywhere else (if there is no one waiting in line behind you) OR with the customers behind you as you are waiting
  • with literally anyone you interact with during the day.
  • parents at soccer games (or any other sport)
  • gas stations (conversation starter: I can't afford the gas!)
  • pet groomers
  • landscapers
  • hair stylists
  • small business owners
I've approached 25, maybe 30 people with a rejection rate of 8%.  2 out of 25 or more contacts refused to accept a card.  The others were interested and willing to take a look. Many said "I'll vote for her."  

Spanish speaking volunteers can reach hundreds to thousands on most any Saturday at the Durham shopping center bounded by Avondale Drive, Roxboro Road and Club Boulevard.  It is jam packed with Hispanic folks shopping, eating, hanging out.   Imagine a table near Compare Foods and volunteers walking the entire parking lot between 11:00 AM and 4:00 PM.   Strategically I can think of NO BETTER WAY to deploy Spanish speaking volunteers in the critically important Durham campaign.  This is for all intents and purposes a huge Hispanic festival/event held once a week.  Also an awesome opportunity to register new voters who are hard working, family oriented and for many of them, God fearing people.  I.e. COURTNEY people.   We have registration forms!

Another method to reach Hispanic voters is to look for Hispanic work crews (tree service, lawn service, painters, etc) who are working outside someone's home.  I have found in very limited efforts that they are more than open to receiving information--I'm keeping some Spanish palm cards in my car for such opportunities. 

Here's my "SCRIPT"...

I'm a volunteer helping out the Courtney Geels for Congress campaign.  Would you read this when you have time?  She's a nurse, not a politician, and she has something we really need in Washington:  common sense. 

If walking up to someone outside a store or randomly, "Pardon me...could I have 30 seconds of your time?" and follow up with the "elevator speech" above.  

I hope this helps you to help Courtney!


Fighting for Truth, Justice and Unity Together!
Laurie Teper
Volunteer Director
Courtney Geels for Congress NC04
Email: [email protected]
Cell: (847)212-5651