Ground Game Texas

We’re changing the conversation on marijuana, team.

From day one, Ground Game Texas has worked to put popular, progressive policies on the ballot that will help us register voters, drive turnout, and bring progressive change to Texas. That includes decriminalizing marijuana in Texas.

Legalizing marijuana is incredibly popular—more than 80% of Texans support legalization. If we can turn these voters out, we can boost support for progressive causes and candidates and bring progressive change to our state. 

Ground Game Texas has put marijuana decriminalization on the November ballot across Texas. Can you help us Get Out The Vote to pass these initiatives and bring progressive change to Texas?

>>Help us legalize 🌿 in Texas<<

Team, Ground Game Texas has put marijuana decriminalization on the ballot in communities across Texas ahead of the November midterm elections. 

These campaigns are helping us register voters, mobilize them to vote, and support progressive causes and candidates that will bring change to our state. But we need your help to make sure they pass.

Can you help us decriminalize marijuana in Texas? Chip in today to help us mobilize voters behind progressive causes like marijuana decriminalization. It may make the difference in flipping our state.

Thank you,

Ground Game Texas