Help Cheri Beasley hit her ambitious fundraising goal before the midnight FEC deadline.

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

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That is the donation Cheri Beasley is asking you to make today, John. Yes, just $1.

$1 to help Cheri Beasley hit her ambitious fundraising goal before the midnight FEC deadline.

$1 to help Cheri Beasley keep her ads on the air to make sure super PACs cannot overpower our message.

$1 to help Cheri Beasley flip this seat and become North Carolina’s first African American Senator.

We know it probably doesn’t seem like $1 can make a difference against Republican super PACs investing more than $50 million in outside spending? But it all adds up when everyone is chipping in, and that’s how we win in November.

So Cheri needs you:

Use this link to make a $1 contribution to Cheri Beasley’s campaign today. If we all do our part, then we are going to flip this seat and expand the Senate majority.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly:


Thank you in advance for your donation. It means the world for Cheri to know you’re with her in this campaign.

- Team Beasley


Paid For By Cheri Beasley for North Carolina

Cheri Beasley for North Carolina
PO Box 28778
Raleigh, NC 27611

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