This isn’t an exaggeration.

Maggie Toulouse Oliver for NM Secretary of State Logo

We’ve said it before and it’s still true, Jack.

When we vote to keep our elections accessible, we’re not just fighting for voting access. We’re fighting for our rights.

The connection between voter suppression and losing our rights has become so clear – especially in the last year. The states that face the harshest abortion bans, birth control restrictions, and criminalizing of healthcare providers are the same ones that have some of the most restrictive voting laws in the country.

This is why protecting our democracy is so fundamental. And this is why the race for Secretary of State is so important. Will you chip in $10 to help safeguard our elections AND our rights?

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Maggie has made New Mexico into a national example for safe, accessible, and transparent elections. Now, she’s running to make sure your vote stays sacred. Because your vote is your voice, and our state works better when we all have a say.


Maggie HQ

Contributions or gifts to Friends of Maggie are not tax deductible.

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