
Meet the rising star TRUMP-ENDORSED COWGIRL and NURSE who knows #WeThePeople must take charge of our State Capitol and work to fulfill the America First agenda in the State Senate!
Janae Shamp – rancher, roper, and registered nurse – is a FEARLESS Pro-Life Constitutional Conservative who loves Arizona and America. Janae is tough as nails and will protect and defend our water, rural communities, and kids at all costs. We need this fighter — LD-29 be sure to vote SHAMP on November 8th!  
Whether it’s Border Security, Medical Freedom, School Choice, or ELECTION INTEGRITY, Janae is rock-solid on ALL of the important issues. That’s why she’s backed by President Trump, Congressman Paul Gosar, Gen Michael Flynn, Kari Lake, and OTHERS!

We need America First voices and fresh ideas from our leaders now more than ever, and Janae is the nurse for the job…

In what might be the most important midterm election in Arizona history, we need to send a CLEAR message that we want less of the political swamp controlling our everyday lives, and more Ultra MAGA cowgirls who will stand strong for #WeThePeople…

And electing Janae Shamp as the next State Senator in District 29 as part of our MASSIVE Red Wave is exactly how we will get it done!

Trust us… If you’re looking to support a PATRIOT who will champion our movement, Janae is a gal to put your support behind this year. You can do so below – proceeds help Janae win this race and put Arizona and America FIRST in our State Capitol!
Thank you for backing another one of our fighters,
Republican Party of Arizona