Friends, you're invited:
Roevember Rally. Join Congressional Candidate Ann Roe in a rally for our reproductive rights. Monument Square Racine, WI. October 8 11:00AM.
WHO: Ann, WI Assembly Minority Leader Greta Neubauer, City Council Alder Natalia Taft, and you!

WHAT: A rally for our reproductive rights

WHERE: Monument Square, Racine WI

WHEN: Saturday, October 8 from 11 am - 1 pm CT

WHY: Roe is on the ballot in more ways than one in November. Join us to learn more about the Racine abortion referendum on the ballot this fall and to hear from Ann Roe who is running to defeat anti-abortion extremist Bryan Steil. We need to come together to prove that we will fight this November to restore our reproductive freedom. Come join us and make your voice heard!

Sign up here to join us at the Roevember Rally on October 8th — Bring a friend or relative, wear your favorite progressive t-shirt and bring along your own sign for the times. – Caroline Petty
Organizing Director
Ann Roe for Congress