
The Hollywood elites who bankroll the campaigns of Mark Kelly and Katie Hobbs are at it again…

This time, they’re saying that a vote for Republicans is a vote for – wait for itall-out CIVIL WAR!!!

I wish I was kidding…

Take a look for yourself:
Once again, the ones who call US the extremists are showing their true colors…

The Left called us insurrectionists, then stormed the AZ State Capitol on #J24. They said WE were the threat to democracy, then Joe Biden’s Deep State operatives raided the home of a political opposition leader. They said we were “domestic terrorists” …and now they’re openly calling for Civil War! Is this a threat?!

Democrat hypocrisy like this would be easy to write off as a joke, John – but the truth is nonsense like this really does add up when it’s spewed by mainstream media talking heads and Hollywood elitists with big platforms.

So if you’re sick of crap like this and want leaders who will FIGHT BACK against these narratives, you know what to do: help us push back with messaging of our own and support our America First candidates! →

Let’s show folks that casting their ballot for Republicans is NOT a vote for “Civil War” – it’s a vote to SAVE AMERICA!
Thank you for helping us set the record straight and helping us elect our conservative fighters. 


Dr. Kelli Ward
Republican Party of Arizona