Brad Lander for NYC Comptroller

John —

Over the past few weeks, thousands of asylum seekers have arrived in New York City, and they are in need of resources and compassion from all across the five boroughs.

Can you make a donation to Make the Road New York’s Asylum Seekers fund? Your contribution will be used to purchase Metrocards, prepaid phones, and other resources for migrants new to the city.


Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis are using asylum seekers as part of a cruel political stunt. These are people who came to this country seeking safety and a better life for their families.

I've been down to the Port Authority to greet arriving migrants. I’ve met both people who have ensured tremendous hardship, and those who are showing up in incredible ways to support them.

New York City has served as a beacon of light and hope for those seeking a better life in the United States for centuries. Now is our moment to live up to that legacy and those hopes.

Please, make a contribution to Make the Road’s Asylum Seekers fund. Your donation will go directly to supporting those in need.


Thank you for reading, and thank you for your support. I know that our New York City community will show generosity and compassion as always.

– Brad

P.S: Are you interested in volunteering to greet migrants upon their arrival to New York and help distribute food and other resources? Click here to learn more information and sign up.


Lander 2025
68 Jay Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
United States
[email protected]


Paid for by Lander for NYC

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