Be ready to make your voice heard!

Early voting opens FRIDAY

Dear John,

Early voting in Minnesota opens this Friday. From protecting our democracy to transforming our broken courts and defending our reproductive rights, the stakes have never been higher. 

Be ready to make your voice heard!

This fall, Minnesotans will elect candidates for the Office of the Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor and Governor at the top of the ticket. The entire state Legislature is also up for election, along with key offices in local governments across the state. TakeAction Minnesota has endorsed a powerful slate of progressive candidates who are ready to lead with the political courage and moral clarity we need to meet this moment. 

We have a clear choice in front of us: we can come together to protect and expand our freedoms – or we can lose them. Take action right now – make your plan to vote by November 8th. 

Our collective action is the only solution to the crises in front of us. Speaking out and showing up for the changes we need takes courage and work. But when we join together as voters, when we have each other’s back, we can elect leaders who will speak out and govern for all of us – no matter what we look like or where we come from. 

Time and again, even when it seemed impossible, we have joined together and changed the world. This fall, we’re doing it again. Get ready: update your registration and make your plan to be a voter by November 8. 

Have voting questions? Reply to this email – we're here to help!  

Thanks for being a voter, 

Sabrina Mauritz (she/her), Field Director